Colic is a common, yet poorly understood phenomenon of early infancy. It begins at about 3 weeks and is usually over by 3 months of age. It can best be thought of as periodic, irritable crying. The babies, even though they have plenty to eat, cry for several hours without definite signs of pain or gas. It occurs most commonly during the evening hours. Lots of babies have just a few attacks scattered through the early months. A few babies have trouble almost every night until three months. Colicky babies are healthy babies and suffer no ill-effects.
Although there is no cure for colic, here are a few suggestions that may helpyou. Motion seems to help, so try a wind-up swing, a ride in the car or take the baby outside. Obtain a “Snugli” (front carrier). This provides body contact and gentle motion which puts many fussy babies right to sleep. Some babies seem to derive comfort from lying on their stomach across their parent’s lap. If the baby seems to be having abdominal cramps, lie the baby face down on a covered warm water bottle. Finally, recent studies have suggested that babies who are held, cuddled and carried frequently, even while asleep, may have less colic than those that spend most of the day in the crib or bassinet.