Community Resources
Baby's Sweet Beginnings. Classes and Support groups. 231 Aurora Street, Lancaster, NY 14086
716- 681-8100
WIC. Woman Infant Children program. It is a supplemental nutrition program that provides free healthy foods, and nutrition and breastfeeding education. Find a WIC clinic near you www.health.ny.gov/prevention/nutrition/wic/how_to_apply or call the Growing Up Healthy Hotline (800) 522-5006 The Hotline can also provide information on Child Health Plus and Medicaid.
YMCA Buffalo. Fitness classes, child care, summer camp, preschool, swim lessons, sports, volunteer opportunities, and more! www.ymcabuffaloniagara.org
SMOKING CESSATION For help to stop smoking. 1-866-697-8487. www.nysmokefree.com.
Travelers Health Immunization Center. If you are traveling outside of the United States and need immunizations, call the travel clinic at 716-898-4153.